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About the Saudi Dodgeball Federation

The official Saudi Federation, recognized by the International Dodgeball Federation, works to achieve a set of strategic goals that work to establish a strong federation to create a generation of practitioners that enhances the culture of participation through Dodgeball.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a vibrant and inclusive community of Dodgeball enthusiasts who unite under shared values and passion for the sport.
Through international participation, we aspire to create equal opportunities for our athletes, allowing them to showcase their passion for dodgeball on an international stage.

Our Mission

At the Saudi Dodgeball Federation, we are driven by a mission – to ignite a nationwide passion for dodgeball, encouraging individuals to adopt the game as an integral part of their holistic lifestyle.

By cultivating an environment of inclusiveness, we ensure that every dodgeball enthusiast experiences the thrill and expresses themselves through the game.

Our Purpose

We are driven by a powerful purpose: to promote a holistic lifestyle among the people of Saudi Arabia through the dynamic sport of dodgeball.
We believe in the remarkable benefit this sport offers; inspiring and uplifting individuals on their journey to a healthier and more fulfilled lifestyle.

The Under-16 Dodgeball League concludes in Riyadh

The activities of the Under-16 Dodgeball League, which was held at King’s College Schools in Riyadh under the supervision of the Saudi Dodgeball Federation, concluded. Dodge …

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Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Mohammed crowns the winners of the Asian Dodgeball Championships

His Highness Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Al Saud, President of the Saudi Dodgeball Federation and Vice President of World Dodgeball, crowned the winning champions …

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participates with 6 teams in The Asian Dodgeball Championships (ADC)

The Saudi Dodgeball Federation announced the list of national teams participating in the Asian Dodgeball Championships (ADC), which will be hosted by Riyadh during the period …

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